Thứ Tư, 16 tháng 9, 2020

Oklahoma Sooners one nation under God shirt

 Dm if you're interested to be my sugar baby and I'll be paying you a $4000 weekly allowance. Text me if interested fake profile stays offer it my eyesight or the camera angle or maybe my depth perception but I keep looking at the still and the video and it almost looks like a kid or someone very short. They look like they are not taller than the car. Is it the lens? Is it a kid or an adult? Sorry to infringe on your privacy, It's said that 'A picture is worth a thousand words, but when I saw yours, it was more than words could explain. The charming profile is irresistible, though a little personal message but your look tells a lot about a nice person so I had to drop a message to the charming person with this great profile. Just want to know you better and be a friend or more. Hope to hear from you sometime I thought that too but I don't know anything at all about cameras or photography and that's, not the greatest pic or video. They may have other footage from other cameras that they are not showing us. Hello, I'm Gruffy, 48yr old looking loyal and honest sugar baby.

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