Thứ Năm, 24 tháng 9, 2020

Nobody is perfect but if you are a Cowboys fan you’re pretty damn close shirt

 Out of control! that idea is completely fair hey I’m not defending the guy, I’m not saying he’s a saint cause from limited info from the story a name wasn’t even given. But how as human beings we can sit and say oh “ he had it coming” ridiculous anyways, I said what I said hey if that person has some moose love going on that’s cool, love who u wanna love but I made my point and I’m not gonna retract it I mean I’m pretty sure the moose population is already lower than what it used to be I guess the bear was thinking the same thing. Population control not in Alaska, frankly the major decline in the moose population is not from humans as we would so like to believe but from harsh winters so I guess one could say it’s even humane Tashena: A skilled Hunter will take up to a year planing Their hunting trip, there are Revenue gains in that opportunity. The game office can control the game population just as well.

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