Thứ Bảy, 30 tháng 9, 2023

Chapter 4 John Wick 09th anniversary 2014 2023 signatures thank you for the memories shirt

  It’s important that Prince Harry remembers he is no longer a active member of the royal family and wished to step back and be a private citizen. Private citizens don’t normally get to commission a police detail. I never stated he wasn’t a prince, in fact I referred to him as such in my original comment. However Whilst Harry retains the style of His Royal Highness as is his right as a British prince, he does not use it in a public capacity since 31 March 2020. More importantly You are making it out as if he is the only royal without a protection detail. Senior working members actually don’t have 24/7 details including Prince Edward, the Countess of Wessex, 

Buy it here: Chapter 4 John Wick 09th anniversary 2014 2023 signatures thank you for the memories shirt
Chapter 4 John Wick 09th anniversary 2014 2023 signatures thank you for the memories s Sweater

Detroit Lions Lions Pride since 1934 shirt

  I really think its time to have more restrictions on the jabbed because the spread atm is coming from them. No more pcr tests. Lateral flow tests at home, if anyone doesn't get paid for sick leave and they test positive at home but don't feel that unwell they will just continue to go to work. Do you think the authorities have finally realised this isn't ever going away and we have to realise its another illness we have to get accustomed to catching occasionally. And yes I do realise it affects some people more seriously than others. I personally had it just before Christmas and I can honestly say I felt bloody awful for nearly two full weeks. Hatred is such a sad thing.

Buy it here: Detroit Lions Lions Pride since 1934 shirt
Detroit Lions Lions Pride since 1934 s Sweater

Frogs giddy up Sluts shirt

 What we need to do is eat local! Stop buying cheap cuts of meat from other countries when you can buy cheap cuts of meat from your local butcher, for example. We need to stop the stupidity of trade deals that Include the very same cuts of meat we produce at home! There’s no need to import tonnes of meat from one country and then export the exact same meat and cuts in the other direction! That’s wastage and makes 0 sense other than purely economic ones! Whilst we are at it, only eat seasonally produced veg, produce etc. Almonds cultivated and shipped from California are just as bad as chicken from Poland. 

Buy it here: Frogs giddy up Sluts shirt
Frogs giddy up Sluts s Sweater​​​​​​​

Thứ Sáu, 29 tháng 9, 2023

Fishing don’t be a Dumb Bass Vintage shirt

  Arabella Bryant , yes and the resulting meat and dairy affords a nutritionally balanced diet 365 days a year. The amount of land required to replace all dairy products, eggs, meat, with high quality vegetable replacements consistently through the seasons , would be far in excess of the land that farm animals use for food now. All the vegan data uses calories as a bench mark for nutrition, nutrition is more than calories. James Purcell , how can we justify spraying crops with insect killing insecticides , that are completely destroying our ecosystem, including the insects themselves, the small mammals that feed in the insects and the larger mammals up the chain that feed on the small mammals. 

Buy it here: Fishing don’t be a Dumb Bass Vintage shirt
Fishing don't be a Dumb Bass Vintage s Tank-top​​​​​​​

Freak in the Sheets shirt

  Insufficient amounts of this vitamin cause scurvy. Vitamins are essential micronutrients that cannot be synthesized by the body; and therefore, must be in the food. Because ascorbic acid has not been reliably available to them, meat-eating animals have retained the ability to synthesize ascorbic acid from basic raw materials found in their meat diet – therefore, it is not a vitamin for them. (In other words it is not “vital” or essential to be preformed in their food supply.) Because humans have lived throughout most of their evolution on diets with very little animal matter, they have had to develop or retain the ability to synthesize some substances they need that are abundantly found in meat. 

Buy it here: Freak in the Sheets shirt
Freak in the Sheets s Sweater

Thứ Tư, 27 tháng 9, 2023

Clowns to the left Jokers to the right shirt

 However if the phrase “ lol” is unacceptable to you I’m more than willing to change it to “ffs”. Scott Hill what's the need for anyone to have pride in their heritage? Irish pride, Jewish pride etc? We're currently so ashamed of Western culture because of colonisation and slavery, even though our culture has made the most progress in human rights and science in the past five hundred years. We're not the worst oppressors in history or today. White guilt has a place, because we should acknowledge what our people have done to others. At the same time, European values and culture are overall very good. I wouldn't want to see a Muslim or communist regime become the world leader. They don't have the same interest in rights or free speech. 

Buy it here: Clowns to the left Jokers to the right shirt

Clowns to the left Jokers to the right s Tank-top

Thứ Bảy, 23 tháng 9, 2023

Eldora Speedway Rossburg Ohio logo shirt

 I saw the whole interview , at the start of the deadly pandemic, and Italian English must be difficult for some. All he said was that he won’t jump the queue , so that the very sick and those with underlying conditions, gets their life saving vaccines first. A very moral man this guy, because of his” good health”, he could wait a month. Remember, the navy saying, “ women and kids first”. Ignorance is not bliss, it’s dangerous. Just a money making racket by the drug cartels of big pharma! brainwashed sheep don't realise companies are exempt from liability! but Ignorance is bliss, that's why vaxxers are so happy getting their fix! Elaine Mennim Carver! Word Uppppp. No doubt , not everyone is a sheep. 

Buy it here: Eldora Speedway Rossburg Ohio logo shirt
Eldora Speedway Rossburg Ohio logo s Ladies t-shirt

Thứ Năm, 21 tháng 9, 2023

I got ADHD a damn hard dick shirt

  Very sad. I understand people should be given the right to make their own choices. But when you start talking about your right to use force through violence and guns??? You have to question whether people have the capacity to make choices. The lady shared how intellectual she is. Yet her idea of a solution is war. No proof needed. Just start shooting. Wonderful. The lack of proof is bad enough but literally everything they predicted would happen has not happened and it’s still not “proof” enough. When does it end? Well for one common sense is only what a what a group of people believe and it is not always accurate.

 Buy it here: I got ADHD a damn hard dick shirt
I got ADHD a damn hard dick s Sweater

Thứ Hai, 18 tháng 9, 2023

Can’t not like other girls I’m Worse shirt

 There is an element that you would not hear as much around you, however with the volume at a decent level, you could be aware whilst the mic would pick up your surroundings. Sarah Mawbey-Jeffries this has happened to me twice too; after the first time I should have known better really. Just having a conversation on the phone whilst walking alone will reduce how alert you are; there’s a part of your attention however small, that will be taken up by the conversation you’re happening, and that may just mean you don’t notice something. Years ago, a woman walked directly to my path and said am being followed, please help me.. 

 Buy it here: Can’t not like other girls I’m Worse shirt
Can't not like other girls I'm Worse s Sweater

Chủ Nhật, 17 tháng 9, 2023

The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his George S. Patton shirt

 I never saw my mother during that battle in order to both safeguard and protect her and patients. Totally heartbreaking! Now this.. no jab no job. This is one of the biggest national disgraces kick those whom gave so very much when you called for theIr help and duty. Healthcare staff are advocates for patient choice and bodily autonomy for patients... but are being denied that right themselves now.. when the effacy of the vaccination is both limited and STILL a clinical ‘trial’!!! This is not about being ‘anti vax’.... not at all... but this is about ‘free choice, bodily autonomy and open dialogue’. Many valuable healthcare workers will be lost if you continue with this madness and policy. 

 Buy it here: The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his George S. Patton shirt
The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his George S. Patton sweater

Dog are our friends our children our bodyguards our happiness sometimes Mischief makers and 100% family shirt

 A nurse I trained with had a real bad reaction with in minutes of the jab in front of other colleagues and still to this day has the rash covering a mass part of her body which dermatology think will never go now. She applied for an exemption and was told no and the jab would be given in hospital just in case but as you probably know there’s no guarantee in stopping anything serious happening. She is now leaving despite working on a covid ward pre vaccine and post reaction.I’m concerned about patient safety from staff leaving more that covid at this point. I’m hearing that triple jabbed staff are currently working notices due to the mandate.

 Buy it here: Dog are our friends our children our bodyguards our happiness sometimes Mischief makers and 100% family shirt
Dog are our friends our children our bodyguards our happiness sometimes Mischief makers and 100% family s Sweater

Thứ Sáu, 15 tháng 9, 2023

Native American Wolf let me get this straight you’re afraid of refugees coming to America killing you and taking your property shirt

  rather have the useless joker Boris than a totalitarian state with constant lockdowns and mandated vaccination! Vaccinated people are spreading covid quicker worldwide than unvacinated who aren't allowed to go as nmany places! The covid vaccination is not designed to eradicate covid! People would feel a lot different if it was! It is does not even stop people catching or passing it on! It only allegedly helps people who catch it have less worse symptoms, which as everyone has such variable reactions to covid and around less than 1% of the population have a severe reaction, often vulnerable people or those with underlying conditions, it does not make scientific or financial sense to mandate it for the full population! 

Buy it here: Native American Wolf let me get this straight you’re afraid of refugees coming to America killing you and taking your property shirt
Native American Wolf let me get this straight you're afraid of refugees coming to America killing you and taking your property s Ladies t-shirt

Thứ Năm, 14 tháng 9, 2023

In 1776 we had to clean house the house is Filthy again Veteran shirt

UK is a much safer country for driving (I've looked this up, by the way). James McKay So you are equating drunk drivers to gun owners. Well yes that is kinda true, isn't it? Not all gun owners are as careless and ignorant as a drunk driver, but obviously many are. And although cars have a use in our civil society, most guns do not. In a well-regulated militia, yes, but now they are almost completely unregulated and most anyone can get one. Matt Fichter We as a people do not make laws, our representatives do and unfortunately our Congress and Senate are bought and paid for by NRA and other big money. It works in their favor because if we're out shooting each other and blaming each other and being divisive, they can continue to make laws that hurt us but we won't know about it because we're too busy blaming each other. Human being are NOT evolved. Yet Republicans here in the USA think the level of gun deaths we have is perfectly acceptable so they can hold onto their precious guns. It’s sick and twisted — be glad you live in the UK. Here in the US, we can’t send our kids to school without worrying they’ll be shot dead.

Buy it here: In 1776 we had to clean house the house is Filthy again Veteran shirt

70 years 1954 2024 Godzilla thank you for your memories shirt

 The one, singular, political/monarch act she did was during the Falklands war. Thatcher announced the attack on Goose Green before it happened, allowing time for the Argentine forces to move their defences there costing hundreds of lives - the Queen as head of the Armed services summoned her to the Throne room and gave her an official “telling off” making Thatcher stand as she did so. By A politician once called them the biggest scroungers on social security. Where does a lot of their wealth come from. The daft sod, that slogs his guts out week after week. Not only that. Members of World Wildlife, but think nothing of hunting. Joe Clark she must be very worried, whatever her succeeding Royal family do, it is not her fault. 

Buy it here: 70 years 1954 2024 Godzilla thank you for your memories shirt
70 years 1954 2024 Godzilla thank you for your memories s Sweater

An evening with Willie Nelson and family in concert shirt

 instantly for the act of throwing soldiers lives away for political  It doesnt actually outweigh the total costs, have a look at some articles online, royal family brings in more than they make, an they do hav their own independent wealth, but yes taxes do pay for a lot of thigns too. Mayeb they could reduce what the taxes pay for a bit, try to compromise a little, but still, they do make more money an pay more tax than they cost. Jonathan Seal I do agree with you there. Even if the govt owned the buildings, tenants pay utility bills in every situation, and it’s not like they pay rent either. They do use ‘some’ of the building for business use I guess, or public engagements or public access, but they should put their living quarters on a seperate meter or somethign, could be done easily enough. 

Buy it here: An evening with Willie Nelson and family in concert shirt
An evening with Willie Nelson and family in concert s Ladies t-shirt

Thứ Ba, 12 tháng 9, 2023

Do not pet Idaho Wyoming Montana the fluffy Cows Yellowstone national park shirt

 Omicron was brought in by plane, not spread by the unvaccinated, stop spreading misinformation. My respectful reply to your comment is as follows: - healthy younger people getting vaccinated will do nothing to end the pandemic. The risk categories are the elderly and the comorbid. The vaccines were designed for the vulnerable and should never have been rolled out en masse; - protesting against restrictions does not mean that you yourself would not alter your behaviour. There is a big difference between one-size-fits-all, top-down restrictions and people making their own decisions based on their understanding of their own risk. 

Buy it here: Do not pet Idaho Wyoming Montana the fluffy Cows Yellowstone national park shirt
Do not pet Idaho Wyoming Montana the fluffy Cows Yellowstone national park s Ladies t-shirt

Thứ Sáu, 8 tháng 9, 2023

Mature people are Weenies shirt

 So the issue must in fact be that these things were invented to be difficult to do so that they could weed out the undesirable people from being able to even do them. People are so afraid to learn how these things are linked. 100% of humankind has jet fuel and major toxic pollution in our DNA (not to mention in wildlife and vegetation and water), which gets passed onto future generations from the moment of conception from both parents and their family line. We know so little about it all. But keep laughing about this kind of research, it’s based on your own ignorance and fear.

Buy it here: Mature people are Weenies shirt
Mature people are Weenies s Ladies t-shirt​​​​​​​

Thứ Năm, 7 tháng 9, 2023

60 years of Olivia Newton John 1963 2023 signature thank you for the memories shirt

 Adam Brock , that's been noted several times here, and I don't mean to deny that fact in any way (though I would then ask the next logical question, which is *WHY* that is the case, an answer which invariably leads back to the attitudes of men in those cultures). I also do NOT claim to have some universal answer or some ultimate moral authority. Adam Brock (sorry, I hit return before I was done) ... I readily concede that there are difficult questions involved here (specifically, what the limits are and should be regarding the responsibilities of secular societies when religious and/or cultural practices are involved), but I also believe strongly that we DO have a *responsibility* to intervene when the procedures in question are unnecessary and can do significant harm. 

Buy it here: 60 years of Olivia Newton John 1963 2023 signature thank you for the memories shirt
60 years of Olivia Newton John 1963 2023 signature thank you for the memories s Sweater

Back in Massachusetts logo shirt

 Talkless of here in the UK, most men wouldn’t have a clue. Some men, if they do eventually find out, wont even understand the implication or be able to empathise because they could see it as rites of passage for the female. Secondly, the ‘virginity honour’ is often perpetuated by women. Women are custodians of culture here and would do anything to present their daughters in a culturally acceptable way, and definitely ensure that their sons get the “best” girls. This is often done to please the men and “honour” the man. Hence, there needs to be a culture mindset that sees women more than commodities and not a race to have us women married off as quickly as possible to the richest bidder. 

Buy it here: Back in Massachusetts logo shirt
Back in Massachusetts logo s Ladies t-shirt​​​​​​​

Biden Zombie I was going to be a liberal for Halloween but my head wouldn’t fit up my ass shirt

 It just tells me you must be a very deeply insecure, small person. Duane Burghard rather than deciding to lead with a comment of how we can further equality/equity you posted specifically about how good you are. This isn't about you. You talk about focusing on the actual issue but all you've done is hijack women's experience to talk about how you're so different and wouldn't possibly be a part of this. You need to realise all men are complicit and all men have a responsibility to change things. Aimée Williams oh give over. The man was merely empathising, agreeing this a horrific practice, acknowledged men are the root of this problem and expressed his anger & upset for the women who've had to suffer it. 

Buy it here: Biden Zombie I was going to be a liberal for Halloween but my head wouldn’t fit up my ass shirt
Biden Zombie I was going to be a liberal for Halloween but my head wouldn't fit up my ass s Sweater

Thứ Tư, 6 tháng 9, 2023

Garth Brooks Ropin’ the Wind shirt

 we all know that certain people are up for causing trouble most keepers are aware of the long term penalties and wouldnt just leave traps out unchecked for some member of public to find a bird of prey in having said that if it is proven that they set the trap then it should carry severe penalties rather than what they actually recieved. Ann Power I'll be wearing them always when I have a flu or a cold. To protect others from it. The reason there were so few colds and flus around these last couple of years was that people were wearing masks. In Japan, covid or no covid, the public transport is a sea of masks. It's a community thing. Why spread a virus if you can avoid it?

Buy it here: ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Garth Brooks Ropin’ the Wind shirt
Garth Brooks Ropin' the Wind s Sweater​​​​​​​

Gods Drunkest driver I am sorry Martha December 19th 2007 shirt

 My heart goes out to what that poor lad went through in his life, all the way until it got so unbearable that he could no longer cope with it. This kid showed up out of nowhere and immediately began to demand money from his birth parents. He wanted help with everything from rent to food and his biological parents have their own families and had moved on. People don't owe you money or a relationship just because DNA days you're related. I’ve been following that story as next shark reported on it when he said he will sue his biological parents. To be honest, i feel like the kid was just so lost, abandoned so many times, he just needed a safe place and people who would accept him. 

Buy it here: Gods Drunkest driver I am sorry Martha December 19th 2007 shirt

Gods Drunkest driver I am sorry Martha December 19th 2007 s Ladies t-shirt