Thứ Tư, 27 tháng 9, 2023

Clowns to the left Jokers to the right shirt

 However if the phrase “ lol” is unacceptable to you I’m more than willing to change it to “ffs”. Scott Hill what's the need for anyone to have pride in their heritage? Irish pride, Jewish pride etc? We're currently so ashamed of Western culture because of colonisation and slavery, even though our culture has made the most progress in human rights and science in the past five hundred years. We're not the worst oppressors in history or today. White guilt has a place, because we should acknowledge what our people have done to others. At the same time, European values and culture are overall very good. I wouldn't want to see a Muslim or communist regime become the world leader. They don't have the same interest in rights or free speech. 

Buy it here: Clowns to the left Jokers to the right shirt

Clowns to the left Jokers to the right s Tank-top

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