It is always dangerous to second guess in that type of situation. Do we have the tox screen back yet? they tased him twice. They had him down, and he got up. He was carrying a knife. John Graham yes the people need to be educated but not the ones who serve the people and who have a gun. lol. nobody wants to recognize this, but the left is willing to make these people national heroes just to set these idiots into destruction mode to dirty Trump's term, thank You for being politically incorrect enough to state it wonder if Jesse Jackson visited the raped minor victim & her family? Probably NOT!Justice for the police officer who had to be put in that position. His life is likely ruined for doing what 99% of any sane person without a death wish would do. Nick Schlife the media doesn't want to bring up the fact he had a knife concealed somewhere in his pants or the fact he was a convicted sex offender and nobody is standing for the policeman who had to deal with this criminal let me ask you you think black people are treated fairly and equally to whites in America?
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