Thứ Bảy, 19 tháng 9, 2020

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  I believe in Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. But can we actually make fun of this and Newsome? I think Democrats will blame Trump for this. Evelyn Evans that's where I'm from and we're doing just fine here in the great state of Texas ain't we may have issues but we definitely ain't living by Californians now is your Jesus the white American Jesus or the dark-skinned middle eastern Jewish Jesus for those who believe that Mother Nature is real, but God isn't this was God. He's moving Mountains. Literally. God made you wonderfully and beautifully He never promised us this life would be free of pain and disappointment. He promised He'd be with us through it all. He gave us a choice. With Him, blessings happen Pretty sure it's just two plates breaking against each other, which is common in California. But no, let's go with Jesus. Linda Richard Pelosi's actions and God's anger. The U.S. is acting similar to sodom and Gomorrah.

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