Yeah, but will the coward who shot him 7 times in the back get the justice he deserves or will he go on being just another chickens&*t with a gunI'll bet you try to pass yourself off as a Christian one of the frauds. Johnston Blake is still going to jail, thankfully, and that poor woman he had viciously assaulted can get some peace now. I’m with the real victim, not criminal thugs! Nobody is going to jail mane on Trump after he leaves office Troll “In every age, the vilest specimens of human nature are to be found among demagogues.” you sound really smart, please tell us more about how Trump is going jail? Stick to basketball instead of saying what should have happened. Unless you are a cop you don't know what they are going through at the time of the situation. Its easier said than done. I am not saying I condone what happened but people are always so quick to say they have done that instead of this.
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