Thứ Ba, 18 tháng 8, 2020

Keep calm or I will bolus the propofol shirt

Now, what did you learn from reading that article besides just posting a link to a freaking article? He is not a pedophile- and has admitted that his ‘touchy / feelie ‘ approach has made some people in the past uncomfortable. He took steps to modify his behavior. We all have faults, but when they cause other’s distress we must change that behavior- it’s called learning and growing. People must be able to take criticism and try to do better. I believe he has, and will. please neither... Obama’s will be pulling Biden’s strings hey Bambi, did you get past the 2nd grade? You come across as a Trumpinite that's why I ask well he's acted creepy way too many times. I am shocked that the Democratic party has abided in Harris representing them. Biden is just a pawn in the game and I think Harris will do whatever she needs to do to get what she wants.

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