Pretty sure they don’t think they have it so good. Trickle-down economics doesn’t work. Bailing out the 1% and giving billionaires the biggest tax breaks only widens the disparity gap and makes the rich richer. That is Trump's M.O. Meanwhile slashing funding for education and programs that actually help lift up the working-class people. I’ve made it 66 years so far. Wish I could say the same for my kids and grandchild. “Education sucks” is exactly what’s wrong with this country. Why don't you go to another country, one that believes in communism and find out what's it's like, then if you survive, come back and tell us! We are spoiled here in the USA. And yes, we have it good here. Better thank God for what you have, rather than praying that you had it. He most certainly did not! CNN, you've got it wrong! Quit listening to the left-wing news and hopefully, you'll have learned something that's get out of college and think they need to start at the top. Have no idea what’s really going on in the workplace.
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