I did not vote for Obama but I can't vote for Trump. thanks again for having principles, you were raised right. Oooh, yeah sure you're not a moderate anything you're full of but keep going, it's amusing. I know your type; if you say something it makes it true. You do know the Republican party tried to stop Trump from being elected in 2016 right? I bet you say things like "and Trump has the prettiest wife too". Shallow squared you think you gave principles? How funny! I am voting for someone not voting against someone. and there we go, commenting on another woman's appearance. Wow, you literally are exactly like I thought you were. do you teach your children that their appearance is everything? A Shallow person that loves Trump, now there is a surprise. You are his poster child Sorry you did not get the rich husband you thought you should always get. Hey, maybe Trump will get divorced soon you can step right in little Josh is triggered this is absolute GOLD!
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