Thứ Bảy, 27 tháng 8, 2022

Definition Funcle Fun + Uncle shirt

  I would like to offer my thanks to all involved in creating these vaccines, the scientists, the trialists, the plasma donors and particularly the staff responsible for administering the vaccines to our population. I know it's a brave new world we find ourselves in but together with cooperation, love and support for each other, I believe we can beat this thing. Be kind also to those who aren't sure. So many people that know everything about nothing.. I've seen and heard so many stupid conspiracy theories about covid and the jab. Like are people really that stupid to believe these theories. Get a jab when your offered and let's get back to some form of normality.. and why is there always a load of people thst think there more entitled than everyone else reading these comments is unbelievable. This role out is impressive only beat by a couple of countries in the world. I'm in thos group because of my diabetes & can't wait. 

Buy it here:    Definition Funcle Fun + Uncle shirt

Definition Funcle Fun + Uncle s Sweater

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