Thứ Bảy, 6 tháng 8, 2022

Dave Foley and the news shirt

 Susan Fraser I agree 100%. Sure the North Korean government sucks but so too does the Saudi government and I'm sure the US will happily share the vaccine with them. We need to remember these countries have civilians too who are just as deserving of a decent life as American citizens. Chris Storey "Dont know how people who dont want it are going to be persuaded" I agree. I doubt anything persuades those kind of people; there's no point in trying to persuade them; "Reasoning will never make a Man correct an ill Opinion, which by Reasoning he never acquired" - Swift. Darren Andrews Well Darren, they could easily have funded it conditional on getting paid a dividend on every dose manufactured, so that UK investment was repaid and a revenue stream generated (you know, like most investors in a company or product do). OAZ is by far the cheapest vaccine, so it could still have been the cheapest even with a substantial return on the investment.

Buy it here: Dave Foley and the news shirt
Dave Foley and the news s Sweater

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