Thứ Tư, 13 tháng 10, 2021

It’s a Christmas movies and hot Cocoa kind of day shirt

 As a receptionist they don't want to ask these questions but it's part of their job and they are also bound by patient confidentiality. There's a lot more to a receptionists job than answering a phone. If you want to complain, complain to the GP partners and Practice Managers they are the people who instigate these questions. the reception team I worked never made any decisions. Anything they were concerned about was referred on. They have a tough job, it certainly opened my eyes about human nature. My worst helping a GP resuscitate a patient lying on the ground in the pouring rain outside the practice whilst another patient kicked off that he was having to wait to see that GP and how long was they going to be.

Buy it here: It’s a Christmas movies and hot Cocoa kind of day shirt

It's a Christmas movies and hot Cocoa kind of day s Ladies t-shirt

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