Thứ Sáu, 15 tháng 7, 2022

Let’s eat Trash and get hit by a car Possum shirt

 Martin Spedding and as for a pic i have 1 on my other account which you decided to block me after i called you out. I am nowhere near being overweight. Naturally slim but i still exercise and eat healthy. I suppose that pint you are posing with is a defination of eating healthy. Gerry Jones so you are suggesting vaccines don’t work then? If you are vaccinated then you are allegedly protected those at risk of getting covid may be those who chose not to be vaccinated and that is there choice in a free and liberal society !! This will not go away irrespective of vaccines or how many have had it. I may be mistaken but FLU STILL EXISTS and that has been vaccinated against for countless years and that is allegedly an easier virus to battle than covid!

Buy it here: Let’s eat Trash and get hit by a car Possum shirt
Let's eat Trash and get hit by a car Possum s Ladies t-shirt

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