Thứ Tư, 21 tháng 10, 2020

Women’s happiness is being Mimi Mother’s Day shirt

  Don’t you remember Biden saying how clean and articulate Obama was for a black man Biden and poor kids are just a smart as white kids,I have no doubt he is racistsImagine supporting a movement like Antifa that supports communism and Marxism Couldn't be me? Aaron Hoggatt, You forget 2016? Trump on live TV at one of his rallies 'Russia if you're listening to Hack and release Clintons Emails" Russia did just that Trump gets the bulk of his money from Russia too His children have even said thatHunter Biden's laptop and the emails, as well as other evidence on it, is very real.  BLM/Antifa. The same thing basically as they both support far-left ideologies such as Marxism and communism If you don't vote for Biden, then "you ain't black". Imagine actually saying this. Big oof for Biden there Denial,I have seen it many times,it will take a lot of time and some will grasp itPlunked by CNN and the communist democrat machine, y’all have played well and very well may win.If so we will all be losers too bad we didn’t get them,now they have been destroyed, only the crooks and China knows what was in them yes the intellect you are missing is the same intellect required for you to realize you are missing it. 

Buy it here: Women’s happiness is being Mimi Mother’s Day shirt
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