Thứ Ba, 27 tháng 10, 2020

Fy Da when UFF Da isn’t enough shirt

 Ummm, live interview. Why do you want me to link to lefty BS that feeds the brain dead?Leo Valdez Trump knew in January how bad this was, he told his Wall Street friends so they could make a killing and lied, is still lying, to the American public! Poor thing. Riots helped that infection rate improve in your whittle mind. Back to high school. You're not done yet. Poor thing. Sorry, no more Kleenex left. Lefty losers soaked them all up. WAH! WAH! Only 4 more years. keep in mind Donald Trump received the best care and medicine no one else has had the privilege of being able to to take such as the anti viral cocktail treatment of regenoron. This made him feel 20 years younger so he said! Stupidness answer I've read in a long time. Boy talk about brainwashed and living in an alternate reality. Guess lies don't matter either nor having your intelligence laughed at.

Buy it here: Fy Da when UFF Da isn’t enough shirt
HomePage: 2020 Temerchan Best Store



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