Thứ Ba, 22 tháng 8, 2023

Death get out of my way I have to poop Halloween shirt

 I'm 45 now, they finally sent me to a specialist, advising I needed a full hysterectomy. I was devastated. I met the specialist, his first question, is your GP a man? I said yes. He laughed, said he could do an ten minute ablation procedure, it would fix it. It has changed my life. But that question he asked. Tells the real story. After years of dismissal, male doctors often very quick to offer drastic solutions to female patients without enough thought as to how it could affect their whole life. Drastic solutions that they wouldn't offer a man before trying every other option first.

Buy it here: Death get out of my way I have to poop Halloween shirt

​​​Death get out of my way I have to poop Halloween s Sweater

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