Juicers have to donate blood often, sometimes a double red. Baby Aspirin might help. Do you want to tell me again this wasn't created in a lab? This was a biological warfare agent and the Chinese screwed the whole world with it's not an accident, this a new kind of war happening. Wake up. Don't stay inside, unleash the bees! You must be desperate you ask all the guys to send you a friend request WTH is wrong with you? More Coronavirus coverage it must be a slow news day in politics at Fox Snooze this morning only cause they feed them garbage but when they go low we go high Hillary Clinton Reporting doctors diagnosis isn't reporting fear. You are so deep in Trump's anus that you don't want to hear any truth patients need a blood transfusion and dialysis but they don't get that. Doctors don't have to follow protocols, can't think outside the box. They don't treat COVID because there is no treatment for it.
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