The lie is now everywhere Nsimbi Zabelungu but they said it publicly and look where it ended up, Europe you mean all those people are just acting up how will that help? The conversation is about the information that has been made available, if you wish to rubbish it then do so and we will also refer to it as such. I mean what you said. We should as people just do our own part by doing what's right in the sight of God and man and forget about these so-called men of God. I feel you man but, I'm crossing fingers hoping that the virus doesn't spread like us in SA of course, that's my stance as well. I believe we should accept responsibility for our wrongdoing as human beings and stop involving God or say things that suggest we're in denial. We just have to pull together and fight because this virus really poses a serious threat thanks, man. With togetherness and God, we can make our continent and the entire world a better place. They finally had their own share! Now let the contact tracing begin and the people will now start to learn new words like isolation, palliatives, lockdown, face mask, stay at home, sanitizer, and the rest.
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