None of this is "unacceptable" or a school that is shirking their responsibility. This was totally unimaginable to have happened. Yes, I want the best for my son and want him to succeed. But some things are out of my hands and out of the school's hands, even. it is however with what's going on now it might just not be possible. This is uncharted waters. I'm a sped teacher and I get the outrage. But, who is going to pay for those teachers' time? The district won't you can be sure about that! Liz Smith Frost, I FEEL your pain Lanie Randl, the states are going to plug and essentially extort money from the Federal level for less important needs make the need known and be pushy. You’ll never get what you need if you wait for someone else to advocate first as a sped teacher I truly don't see how they can legally do that since an IEP is a legally binding document.
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