Take less time than you bothering to put out your opinion with no facts the very fact we are we are and we have achieved a lot but still work to hello I have been trying to get in touch with you, I something important to tell you? Keith Bridgland yeah and he is being suitably held accountable for his dreadful crime unlike the BBC who seem to have free rein to stir up hatred and bias whilst using taxpayers' money. Michael Greene has learned from the past and when this BLM movement stops we will continue to learn. BLM is alienating everyone and making racism worse. It is becoming them and our situation. Stop it now. Every advert shows people of BAME now. Lynne WhitbreadSo, there is no definitive proof that this was actually a true story, but more like historical speculation. Having a Jamaican father might have challenged his eligibility in those days, but we’ll never actually know am quite sure there is evidence.
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